Laurenellen McCann

Laurenellen McCann is a devoted advocate of the public commons. By day, she fights for greater access to government information as an Organizer with the Sunlight Foundation.  By night, she explores […]

Laurenellen McCann is a devoted advocate of the public commons. By day, she fights for greater access to government information as an Organizer with the Sunlight Foundation.  By night, she explores the relationship between information in cyberspace and public space with her project ArtAround. Founded in 2010 and produced in partnership with the DC Commission on Arts & Humanities, ArtAround, is a fledgling venture in archiving and engaging with public art online (which you can contribute to, too, by heading to

Art, storytelling, and open access to information are concepts that have permeated Laurenellen’s life (including her detours into television and radio production). Her passion for playing with (and advocating for) these ideas led her to serve on the board of the DC Advocates for the Arts, recently got her named a “Creative Innovator” by iStrategyLabs, and earned her the Awesome Foundation’s support in getting the District’s first street zorb on the move.